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eus; and Romulus had been unarmed they could nothave enforced their constitutions for long …… as happened in our time toFra Girolamo Savonarola; who was ruined with his new order of thingsimmediately the multitude believed in him no longer; and he had no meansof keeping steadfast those who believed or of making the unbelievers tobelieve。 Therefore such as these have great difficulties in consummatingtheir enterprise; for all their dangers are in the ascent; yet withability they will overe them; but when these are overe; and thosewho envied them their success are exterminated; they will begin to berespected; and they will continue afterwards powerful; secure; honoured;and happy。To these great examples I wish to add a lesser one; still it bears someresemblance to them; and I wish it to suffice me for all of a like kind:it is Hiero the Syracusan。 This man rose from a private station to bePrince of Syracuse; nor did he; either; owe anything to fortune butopportunity; for the Syracusans; being oppressed; chose him for theircaptain; afterwards he was rewarded by being made their prince。 He wasof so great ability; even as a private citizen; that one who writes ofhim says he wanted nothing but a kingdom to be a king。 This manabolished the old soldiery; organized the new; gave up old alliances;made new ones; and as he had his own soldiers and allies; on suchfoundations he was able to build any edifice: thus; whilst he hadendured much trouble in acquiring; he had but little in keeping。CHAPTER VIICONCERNING NEW PRINCIPALITIES WHICH ARE ACQUIRED EITHER BY THE ARMS OFOTHERS OR BY GOOD FORTUHOSE who solely by good fortune bee princes from being privatecitizens have little trouble in rising; but much in keeping atop; theyhave not any difficulties on the way up; because they fly; but t