第3部分(第5/7 頁)
ficulty; but they it with ease。 The difficultiesthey have in acquiring it arise in part from the new rules and methodswhich they are forced to introduce to establish their government and itssecurity。 And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing moredifficult to take in hand; more perilous to conduct; or more uncertainin its success; than to take the lead in the introduction of a new orderof things。 Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have donewell under the old conditions; and lukewarm defenders in those who maydo well under the new。 This coolness arises partly from fear of theopponents; who have the laws on their side; and partly from theincredulity of men; who do not readily believe in new things until theyhave had a long experience of them。 Thus it happens that whenever thosewho are hostile have the opportunity to attack they do it likepartisans; whilst the others defend lukewarmly; in such wise that theprince is endangered along with them。It is necessary; therefore; if we desire to discuss this matterthoroughly; to inquire whether these innovators can rely on themselvesor have to depend on others: that is to say; whether; to consummatetheir enterprise; have they to use prayers or can they use force? In thefirst instance they always succeed badly; and never pass anything;but when they can rely on themselves and use force; then they are rarelyendangered。 Hence it is that all armed prophets have conquered; and theunarmed ones have been destroyed。 Besides the reasons mentioned; thenature of the people is variable; and whilst it is easy to persuadethem; it is difficult to fix them in that persuasion。 And thus it isnecessary to take such measures that; when they believe no longer; itmay be possible to make them believe by force。If Moses; Cyrus; Thes