第15部分(第5/7 頁)
。 Have mercy; Lord。’
There came to him again the munion service at which Elisha had knelt at his father’sfeet。 Now this service was in a great; high room; a room made golden by the light of the sun; andthe room was filled with a multitude of people; all in long; white robes; the women with coveredheads。 They sat at a long; bare; wooden table。 They broke at this table flat; unsalted bread; whichwas the body of the Lord; and drank from a heavy silver cup the scarlet wine of His blood。 Then hesaw that they were barefoot; and that their feet were stained with this same blood。 And a sound ofweeping filled the room as they broke the bread and drank the wine。
Then they rose; to e together over a great basin filled with water。 And they divided intofour groups; two of women; and man before man; to watch each other’s feet。 But the blood wouldnot wash off; many washings only turned the crystal water red; and someone cried: ‘Have youbeen to the river?’
Then John saw the river; and the multitude was there。 And now they had undergone achange; their robes were ragged; and stained with the road they had traveled; and stained withunholy blood; the robes of some barely covered their nakedness; and some indeed were naked。
And some stumbled on the smooth stones at the river’s edge; for they were blind; and somecrawled with a terrible wailing; for they were lame; some did not cease to pluck at their flesh;which was rotten with running sores。 All struggled to get to the river; in a dreadful hardness ofheart: the strong struck down the weak; the ragged spat on the naked; the naked cursed the blind;the blind crawled over the lame。 And someone cried: ‘Sinner; do you love my Lord?’
Then John saw the Lord—for a moment only; and the darkness; for a moment only; w