第15部分(第4/7 頁)
o John; through he rage andweeping; and fire; and darkness; and flood:
‘Yes;’ said the voice; ‘go through。 Go through。’
‘Lift me up;’ whispered John; ‘lift me up。 I can’t go through。’
‘Go through;’ said the voice; ‘go through。’
Then there was silence。 The murmuring ceased。 There was only this trebling beneath him。
And he knew there was a light somewhere。
‘Go through。’
‘Ask Him to take you through。’
But he could never go through this darkness; through this fire and this wrath。 He nevercould go through。 His strength was finished; and he could not move。 He belonged to the darkness—the darkness from which he had thought to flee had claimed him。 And he moaned again;weeping; and lifted up his hands。
‘Call on Him。 Call on Him。’
‘Ask Him to take you through。’
Dust rose again in his nostrils; sharp as the fumes of Hell。 And he turned again in thedarkness; trying to remember something he had heard; something he had read。
Jesus saves。
And he saw before him the fire; red and gold; and waiting for him—yellow; and red; andgold; and burning in a night eternal; and waiting for him。 He must go through this fire; and into thisnight。
Jesus saves。
Call on Him。
Ask Him to take you through。
He could not call; for his tongue would not unlock; and his heart was silent; and great withfear。 In the darkness; how to move?—with death’s ten thousand jaws agape; and waiting in thedarkness。 On any turning whatsoever the beast may spring—to move in the darkness is to moveinto the moving jaws of death。 And yet; it came to him that he must move; for there was a lightsomewhere; and life; and joy; and singing—somewhere; somewhere above him。
And he moaned again: ‘Oh; Lord; have mercy