第8部分(第3/7 頁)
d her to grace; but only thatsome private anguish had brought her low: her songs revealed that she was suffering; and this herbrother was glad to see。 This had always been his spirit。 Nothing had ever changed it; nothing everwould。 For a moment her pride stood up; the resolution that had brought her to this place to…nightfaltered; and she felt that if Gabriel was the Lord’s anointed; she would rather die and endure Hellfor all eternity than bow before His altar。 But she strangled her pride; rising to stand with them inthe holy space before the altar; and still singing:
‘Standing in the need of prayer。’
Kneeling as she had not knelt for many years; and in this pany before the altar; shegained again from the song the meaning it had held for her mother; and gained a new meaning forherself。 As a child; the song had made her see a woman; dressed in black; standing in infinite mistsalone; waiting for the form of the Son of God to lead her through the white fire。 This woman nowreturned to her; more desolate; it was herself; not knowing where to put her foot; she waitedtrembling; for the mists to be parted that she might walk in peace。 That long road; her life; whichshe had followed for sixty groaning years; had led her at last to her mother’s starting…place; thealtar of the Lord。 For her feet stood on the edge of that river which her mother; rejoicing; hadcrossed over。 And would the Lord now reach out His hand to Florence and heal and save? But;going down before the scarlet cloth at the foot of the golden cross; it came to her that she hadforgotten how to pray。
Her mother has taught her that the way to pray was to forget everything and everyone butJesus; to pour out of the heart; like water from a bucket; all evil thoughts; all thoughts of self; allmalice