第8部分(第2/7 頁)
in for fear that one of the saints might be passing and;seeing him; might cry out his name and lay hands on him to drag him back。 He walked veryquickly across the carpeted lobby; looking at nothing; and pausing only to see his ticket torn; halfof it thrown into a silver box and half returned to him。 And then the usherette opened the doors ofthis dark palace and with a flashlight held behind her took him to his seat。 Not even then; havingpushed past a wilderness of knees and feet to reach his designated seat; did he dare to breathe; nor;out of a last; sick hope for forgiveness; did he look at the screen。 He stared at the darkness aroundhim; and at the profiles that gradually emerged from this gloom; was so like the gloom of Hell。 Hewaited for this darkness to be shattered by the light of the second ing; for the ceiling to crackupward; revealing; for every eye to see; the chariots of fire on which descended a wrathful God and all the host of Heaven。 He sank far down
Part 2 The Prayer Of The Saints
THE PRAYER OF THE SAINTSAnd they cried with a loud voice;saying; How long; O Lord; holy and true;dost thou not judge and avengeour blood on them that dwell on the earth1 FLORENCE’S PRAYERLight and life to all He brings;Risen with healing in His wings!
Florence raised her voice in the only song she could remember that her mother used to sing:
‘It’s me; it’s me; it’s me; oh; Lord; Standing in the need of prayer。’
Gabriel turned to stare at her; in astonished triumph that his sister should at last behumbled。 She did not look at him。 Her thoughts were all on God。 After a moment; the congregationand the piano joined her:
‘Not my father; not my motherBut it’s me; oh; Lord。’
She knew that Gabriel rejoiced; not that her humility might lea