第1部分(第3/7 頁)
as for Proust; there is something grave and beautiful and religious about thelove of truth itself; and something of sensual joy in bringing it to the page。 Baldwin’s career as anovelist was spent walking over old territory with ghosts。 Things became new to him this way。
‘Mountain is the book I had to write if I was ever going to write anything else;’ he said years later。
‘I had to deal with what hurt me most。 I had to deal with my father。’
The novel is centred around a “tarry service’ at the Temple of the Fire Baptised in Harlemin 1935。 Fourteen…year…old John Grimes; dubious; fearful; and already bitter; is about to walk thepath to salvation。 There are high expectations of John; ‘to be a good example’; and to ‘ethrough’ to the Lord。 The service will last the whole night; and John is there in the pany of theelder ‘saints’ of the church; and with his father and mother and Aunt Florence。 There is a strongsense of John being one of the anointed; but we absorb his slow; terrible doubts about himself。
Altogether he is not a happy child on this special night:
Something happened to their faces and their voices; the rhythm of their bodies; and tothe air they breathed; it was as though wherever they might be became the upper room; andthe Holy Ghost were riding in the air。 His father’s face; always awful; became more awfulnow; his father’s daily anger was transformed into prophetic wrath。 His mother; her eyesraised to heaven; hands arked before her; moving; made real for John that patience; thatendurance; that long suffering; which he had read in the Bible and found so hard to image。
Between the novel’s opening and closing – the beginning of the service; with ‘the Lord high on thewind tonight’; and the closing; the morning; with John writ