首頁 > 遊戲競技 > my name is red-我的名字叫紅 > 第83部分

第83部分(第6/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊:我覺醒了兩個隱藏職業網遊炎黃:化身千萬影視評論網遊之我專精保命技能王者:我神級實力,一秀五!戰錘40k灰燼編年史從傳奇開始證道成神NBA:投籃四萬年紅樓之林家有嫡子闖關遊戲,詞條太強了攻略一時爽,死遁回來洗白小黑屋天選搭檔,談戀愛不耽誤搞事業十日終焉凡塵領域穿書:炮灰他要頂不住了凰臨天下:重生之謀權為後成為黑暗四天王致力於幹掉四聖獸武俠網遊:比武穆念慈,黃蓉急了是勇者就上1000層網遊:禍亂江湖王者:月光啊,閃爆他們!

The cold of the Treasury chambers had so perated my bones that it

seemed as though the gentle weather of an early spring had settled over the

city streets。 As I passed the grocer; barber; herbalist; fruit and vegetable shop

and firewood shop of the Old Caravansary Bazaar; which were shutting down

one by one for the night; I slowed my pace and carefully examined the casks;

cloth sheets; carrots and jars in the warm shops lit by oil lamps。

My Enishte’s street (I still couldn’t say “Shekure’s street” let alone “my

street”) appeared even stranger and more distant after my two…day absence。

But the joy of being reunited safe and sound with my Shekure; and the

thought that I’d be able to enter my beloved’s bed tonight—since the

murderer was as good as caught—made me feel so intimate with the whole

world that upon seeing the pomegranate tree and the repaired and closed

shutters; I had to restrain myself from shouting like a farmer hollering to

someone across a stream。 When I saw Shekure; I wanted the first words out of

my mouth to be; “We know who the wretched murderer is!”

I opened the courtyard gate。 I’m not sure if it was from the squeak of the

gate; the carefree way the sparrow drank water from the well bucket; or the

darkness of the house; but with the wolflike prescience of a man who’d lived

alone for twelve years; I understood at once that nobody was home。 Even

bitterly realizing that one’s been left to his own devices; one will still open and

close all of the doors; the cabis and even lift the lids of pots; and th

