第13部分(第2/7 頁)
my mind of this irrepressible urge; I
retired to a corner of the room; as was my wont; but after a while I realized I
couldn’t jack off—proof well enough that I’d fallen in love again after twelve
This struck such excitement and fear into my heart that I walked around the
room nearly atremble like the flame of the candle。 If Shekure meant to present
herself at the window; then why this letter; which put the opposite belief into
play? Why did her father call for me? As I paced; I sensed that the door; wall
and squeaky floor; stuttering as I myself did; were trying to creak their
responses to my every question。
I looked at the picture I’d made years ago; which depicted Shirin stricken
with love upon gazing at Hüsrev’s image hanging from a branch。 It didn’t
embarrass me as it would each time it came to mind in subsequent years; nor
did it bring back my happy childhood memories。 Toward morning; my mind
had mastered the situation: By returning the picture; Shekure had made a
move in an amatory chess game she was masterfully luring me into。 I sat in
the candlelight and wrote her a letter of response。
In the morning; after sleeping for a spell; I went out and walked a long way
through the streets; carrying the letter upon my breast and my light pen…and…
ink holder; as was my custom; in my sash。 The snow widened Istanbul’s
narrow streets and freed the city of its crowds。 All was quieter and slower; as
it’d been in my childhood。 Crows seemed to have beset Istanbul’s roofs;
domes and gardens just as they had on the snowy winter days of my youth。 I