第45部分(第6/7 頁)
ridiculed him as being nothing but a peasant。 I was there
on the quiver of Book of Kings hero Rüstem when he traveled far and wide in
pursuit of his missing steed; I became the blood that spewed forth when he
cut the notorious ogre in half with his wondrous sword; and I was in the folds
of the quilt upon which he made furious love with the beautiful daughter of
the king who’d received him as a guest。 Verily and truly; I’ve been everywhere
and am everywhere。 I emerged as Tur traitorously decapitated his brother Iraj;
as legendary armies; spectacular as a dream; clashed on the steppes; and as
Alexander’s lifeblood shimmered brightly from his handsome nose after he
suffered sunstroke。 Yes; Shah Behram Gür spent every night of the week with a
different beauty beneath domes of varying color from distant lands; listening
to the story she recounted; and I was upon the outfit of the striking maiden
he visited on a Tuesday; whose picture he’d fallen in love with; just as I
appeared from the crown to the caftan of Hüsrev; who’d fallen in love with
Shirin’s picture。 Verily; I was visible upon the military banners of armies
besieging fortresses; upon the tablecloths covering tables set for feasts; upon
the velvet caftans of ambassadors kissing the feet of sultans; and wherever the
sword; whose legends children loved; was depicted。 Yes; handsome almond…
eyed apprentices applied me with elegant brushes to thick paper from
Hindustan and Bukhara; I embellished Ushak carpets; wall ornamentation; the
bs of fighting cocks; pomegranates; the fruits of fabled lands;