第43部分(第4/7 頁)
believed that painting amounted to being duped by him; I waited confidently。
I dreamed of the endless journey that awaited me and of my future。
Meanwhile; as I was approached by the illuminated angel whom I’d just
seen; Satan vanished。 Part of me knew that this glowing angel who had caused
Satan to flee was Azrael。 But another rebellious part of my mind remembered
that in the Book of the Apocalypse it was written that Azrael was an angel with
one thousand wings spanning East and West and that he held the whole world
in his hands。
As I grew more confused; the angel bathed in light approached as if ing
to my aid; and yes; just as Gazzali had stated in Pearls of Magnificence; he
sweetly said:
“Open your mouth so that your soul might leave。”
“Nothing but the besmele prayer ever leaves my mouth;” I answered him。
This was just one last excuse however。 I knew I could no longer resist; that
my time had now e。 For a moment I was embarrassed at having to leave
my bloodied and ugly body in this miserable condition for my daughter;
whom I’d never see again。 But I wanted to leave this world; shedding it like
some tight…fitting garment that pinched。
I opened my mouth and abruptly all was color just as in the pictures of Our
Prophet’s Miraj journey; during which he visited Heaven。 Everything was
flooded in exquisite brightness as if generously painted with gold wash。 Painful
tears flowed from my eyes。 A strained exhalation passed from my lungs
through my mouth。 All was subsumed in wondrous silence。
I could see now that my soul had left my body and that