第12部分(第4/7 頁)
d were it my child…yea; mine own; as well as thine!… I could do no better for it。〃 As she still hesitated; being; in fact; in no reasonable state ofmind; he took the infant in his arms; and himself administered thedraught。 It soon proved its efficacy; and redeemed the leech's pledge。The moans of the little patient subsided; its convulsive tossingsgradually ceased; and; in a few moments; as is the custom of youngchildren after relief from pain; it sank into a profound and dewyslumber。 The physician; as he had a fair right to be termed; nextbestowed his attention on the mother。 With calm and intent scrutiny;he felt her pulse; looked into her eyes… a gaze that made her heartshrink and shudder; because so familiar; and yet so strange andcold… and; finally; satisfied with his investigation; proceeded tomingle another draught。 〃I know not Lethe nor Nepenthe;〃 remarked he; 〃but I have learnedmany new secrets in the wilderness; and here is one of them… arecipe that an Indian taught me; in requital of some lessons of myown; that were as old as Paracelsus。 Drink it! It may be less soothingthan a sinless conscience。 That I cannot give thee。 But it will calmthe swell and heaving of thy passion; like oil thrown on the wavesof a tempestuous sea。〃 He presented the cup to Hester; who received it with a slow; earnestlook into his face; not precisely a look of fear; yet full of doubtand questioning; as to what his purposes might be。 She looked alsoat her slumbering child。 〃I have thought of death;〃 said she… 〃have wished for it… wouldeven have prayed for it; were it fit that such as I should pray foranything。 Yet; if death be in this cup; I bid thee think again; erethou beholdest me quaff it。 See! It is even now at my lips。〃 〃Drink; then;〃 replied he; still with the same cold posure