第12部分(第3/7 頁)
be more amenable to just authority than you may have found herheretofore。〃 〃Nay; if your worship can acplish that;〃 answered MasterBrackett; 〃I shall own you for a man of skill indeed! Verily; thewoman hath been like a possessed one; and there lacks little; that Ishould take in hand to drive Satan out of her with stripes。〃 The stranger had entered the room with the characteristic quietudeof the profession to which he announced himself as belonging。 Nordid his demeanour change; when the withdrawal of the prison keeperleft him face to face with the woman; whose absorbed notice of him; inthe crowd; had intimated so close a relation between himself andher。 His first care was given to the child; whose cries; indeed; asshe lay writhing on the trundle…bed; made it of peremptory necessityto postpone all other business to the task of soothing her。 Heexamined the infant carefully; and then proceeded to unclasp aleathern case; which he took from beneath his dress。 It appeared tocontain medical preparations; one of which he mingled with a cup ofwater。 〃My old studies in alchemy;〃 observed he; 〃and my sojourn; for abovea year past; among a people well versed in the kindly properties ofsimples; have made a better physician of me than many that claim themedical degree。 Here; woman! The child is yours… she is none ofmine… neither will she recognise my voice or aspect as a father's。Administer this draught; therefore; with thine own hand。〃 Hester repelled the offered medicine; at the same time gazing withstrongly marked apprehension into his face。 〃Wouldst thou avenge thyself on the innocent babe?〃 whispered she。 〃Foolish woman!〃 responded the physician; half coldly; halfsoothingly。 〃What should ail me; to harm this misbegotten andmiserable babe? The medicine is potent for good; an