第28部分(第3/7 頁)
the power was leftme to be true!〃 〃What choice had you?〃 asked Roger Chillingworth。 〃My finger;pointed at this man; would have hurled him from his pulpit into adungeon… thence; peradventure; to the gallows!〃 〃It had been better so!〃 said Hester Prynne。 〃What evil have I done the man?〃 asked Roger Chillingworth again。 〃Itell thee; Hester Prynne; the richest fee that ever physician earnedfrom monarch could not have bought such care as I have wasted onthis miserable priest! But for my aid; his life would have burned awayin torments; within the first two years after the perpetration ofhis crime and thine。 For; Hester; his spirit lacked the strengththat could have borne up; as thine has; beneath a burden like thyscarlet letter。 Oh; I could reveal a goodly secret! But enough! Whatart can do; I have exhausted on him。 That he now breathes; andcreeps upon earth; is owing all to me!〃 〃Better he had died at once!〃 said Hester Prynne。 〃Yea; woman; thou sayest truly!〃 cried old Roger Chillingworth;letting the lurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes。 〃Betterhad he died at once! Never did mortal suffer what this man hassuffered。 And all; all; in the sight of his worst enemy! He has beenconscious of me。 He has felt an influence dwelling always upon himlike a curse。 He knew; by some spiritual sense… for the Creator nevermade another being so sensitive as this… he knew that no friendly handwas pulling at his heart…strings; and that an eye was lookingcuriously into him; which sought only evil; and found it。 But heknew not that the eye and hand were mine! With the superstition monto his brotherhood; he fancied himself given over to a fiend; to betortured with frightful dreams; and desperate thoughts; the sting ofremorse; and despair of pardon; as a foretaste of what awaits