第28部分(第2/7 頁)
or seven years; to the constant analysis of a heart fullof torture; and deriving his enjoyment thence; and adding fuel tothose fiery tortures which he analysed and gloated over。 The scarlet letter burned on Hester Prynne's bosom。 Here was anotherruin; the responsibility of which came partly home to her。 〃What see you in my face;〃 asked the physician; 〃that you look at itso earnestly?〃 〃Something that would make me weep; if there were any tears bitterenough for it;〃 answered she。 〃But let it pass! It is of yondermiserable man that I would speak。〃 〃And what of him?〃 cried Roger Chillingworth eagerly; as if he lovedthe topic; and were glad of an opportunity to discuss it with the onlyperson of whom he could make a confidant。 〃Not to hide the truth;Mistress Hester; my thoughts happen just now to be busy with thegentleman。 So speak freely; and I will make answer。〃 〃When we last spake together;〃 said Hester; 〃now seven years ago; itwas your pleasure to extort a promise of secrecy; as touching theformer relation betwixt yourself and me。 As the life and good fameof yonder man were in your hands; there seemed no choice to me; saveto be silent; in accordance with your behest。 Yet it was not withoutheavy misgivings that I thus bound myself; for; having cast off allduty towards other human beings; there remained a duty towards him;and something whispered me that I was betraying it; in pledging myselfto keep your counsel。 Since that day; no man is so near to him as you。You tread behind his every footstep。 You are beside him; sleepingand waking。 You search his thoughts。 You burrow and rankle in hisheart! Your clutch is on his life; and you cause him to die daily aliving death; and still he knows you not。 In permitting this; I havesurely acted a false part by the only man to whom