第22部分(第6/7 頁)
How may this be; unless you firstlay open to him the wound or trouble in your soul?〃 〃No!… not to thee!… not to an earthly physician!〃 cried Mr。Dimmesdale passionately; and turning his eyes; full and bright; andwith a kind of fierceness; on old Roger Chillingworth。 〃Not to thee!But; if it be the soul's disease; then do I mit myself to the onePhysician of the soul! He; if it stand with His good pleasure; cancure; or He can kill! Let Him do with me as; in His justice andwisdom; He shall see good。 But who art thou; that meddlest in thismatter?… that dares thrust himself between the sufferer and his God?〃 With a frantic gesture; he rushed out of the room。 〃It is as well to have made this step;〃 said Roger Chillingworthto himself; looking after the minister; with a grave smile。 〃Thereis nothing lost。 We shall be friends again anon。 But see; now; howpassion takes hold upon this man; and hurrieth him out of himself!As with one passion; so with another! He hath done a wild thing erenow; this pious Master Dimmesdale; in the hot passion of his heart!〃 It proved not difficult to re…establish the intimacy of the twopanions; on the same footing and in the same degree asheretofore。 The young clergyman; after a few hours of privacy; wassensible that the disorder of his nerves had hurried him into anunseemly outbreak of temper; which there had been nothing in thephysician's words to excuse or palliate。 He marvelled; indeed; atthe violence with which he had thrust back the kind old man; whenmerely proffering the advice which it was his duty to bestow; andwhich the minister himself had expressly sought。 With these remorsefulfeelings; he lost no time in making the amplest apologies; andbesought his friend still to continue the care; which; if notsuccessful in restoring him to health;