第22部分(第5/7 頁)
pale minister;glancing aside out of the window。 〃Then; to speak more plainly;〃 continued the physician; 〃and I cravepardon; sir… should it seem to require pardon… for this needfulplainness of my speech。 Let me ask; as your friend… as one havingcharge; under Providence; of your life and physical well…being… hathall the operation of this disorder been fairly laid open and recountedto me?〃 〃How can you question it?〃 asked the minister。 〃Surely; it werechild's play; to call in a physician; and then hide the sore!〃 〃You would tell me; then; that I know all?〃 said Roger Chillingworthdeliberately; and fixing an eye; bright with intense andconcentrated intelligence; on the minister's face。 〃Be it so! But;again! He to whom only the outward and physical evil is laid open;knoweth; oftentimes; but half the evil which be is called upon tocure。 A bodily disease; which we look upon as whole and entirewithin itself; may; after all; be but a symptom of some ailment in thespiritual part。 Your pardon; once again; good sir; if my speech givethe shadow of offence。 You; sir; of all men whom I have known; arehe whose body is the closest conjoined; and imbued; and identified; soto speak; with the spirit whereof it is the instrument。〃 〃Then I need ask no further;〃 said the clergyman; somewhat hastilyrising from his chair。 〃You deal not; I take it; in medicine for thesoul!〃 〃Thus; a sickness;〃 continued Roger Chillingworth going on; in anunaltered tone; without heeding the interruption; but standing upand confronting the emaciated and white…cheeked minister; with hislow; dark; and misshapen figure… 〃a sickness; a sore place; if we mayso call it; in your spirit; hath immediately its appropriatemanifestation in your bodily frame。 Would you; therefore; that yourphysician heal the bodily evil?