第27部分(第2/7 頁)
ever dream of clasping in its embrace; nothing inHester's bosom; to make it ever again the pillow of Affection。 Someattribute had departed from her; the permanence of which had beenessential to keep her a woman。 Such is frequently the fate; and suchthe stern development; of the feminine character and person; whenthe woman has encountered; and lived through; an experience ofpeculiar severity。 If she be all tenderness; she will die。 If shesurvive; the tenderness will either be crushed out of her; or… and theoutward semblance is the same… crushed so deeply into her heart thatit can never show itself more。 The latter is perhaps the truesttheory。 She who has once been woman; and ceased to be so; might at anymoment bee a woman again; if there were only the magic touch toeffect the transfiguration。 We shall see whether Hester Prynne wereafterwards so touched; and so transfigured。 Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to beattributed to the circumstance; that her life had turned; in a greatmeasure; from passion and feeling; to thought。 Standing alone in theworld… alone; as to any dependence on society; and with little Pearlto be guided and protected… alone; and hopeless of retrieving herposition; even had she not scorned to consider it desirable… shecast away the fragments of a broken chain。 The world's law was nolaw for her mind。 It was an age in which the human intellect; newlyemancipated; had taken a more active and a wider range than for manycenturies before。 Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings。Men bolder than these had overthrown and rearranged… not actually; butwithin the sphere of theory; which was their most real abode… thewhole system of ancient prejudice; wherewith was linked much ofancient principle。 Hester Prynne imbibed this spirit。 S