第27部分(第1/7 頁)
〃It is our Hester… the town's own Hester…who is so kind to the poor; so helpful to the sick; so fortableto the afflicted!〃 Then; it is true; the propensity of human nature totell the very worst of itself; when embodied in the person of another;would constrain them to whisper the black scandal of bygone years。It was none the less a fact; however; that; in the eyes of the verymen who spoke thus; the scarlet letter had the effect of the crosson a nun's bosom。 It imparted to the wearer a kind of sacredness;which enabled her to walk securely amid all peril。 Had she fallenamong thieves; it would have kept her safe。 It was reported; andbelieved by many; that an Indian had drawn his arrow against thebadge; and that the missile struck it; but fell harmless to theground。 The effect of the symbol… or; rather; of the position in respectto society that was indicated by it… on the mind of Hester Prynneherself; was powerful and peculiar。 All the light and graceful foliageof her character had been withered up by this red…hot brand; and hadlong ago fallen away; leaving a bare and harsh outline; which mighthave been repulsive; had she possessed friends or panions to berepelled by it。 Even the attractiveness of her person had undergonea similar change。 It might be partly owing to the studied austerity ofher dress; and partly to the lack of demonstration in her manners。It was a sad transformation; too; that her rich and luxuriant hair hadeither been cut off; or was so pletely hidden by a cap; that nota shining lock of it ever once gushed into the sunshine。 It was due inpart to all these causes; but still more to something else; that thereseemed to be no longer anything in Hester's face for Love to dwellupon; nothing in Hester's form; though majestic and statue…like;that Passion would