第23部分(第6/7 頁)
that they imagined itto be all religion; and brought it openly; in their white bosoms; astheir most acceptable sacrifice before the altar。 The aged membersof his flock; beholding Mr。 Dimmesdale's frame so feeble; while theywere themselves so rugged in their infirmity; believed that he wouldgo heavenward before them; and enjoined it upon their children; thattheir old bones should be buried close to their young pastor's holygrave。 And; all this time; perchance; when poor Mr。 Dimmesdale wasthinking of his grave; he questioned with himself whether the grasswould ever grow on it; because an accursed thing must there be buried! It is inconceivable; the agony with which this public venerationtortured him! It was his genuine impulse to adore the truth; and toreckon all things shadow…like; and utterly devoid of weight orvalue; that had not its divine essence as the life within theirlife。 Then; what was he?… a substance?… or the dimmest of all shadows?He longed to speak out; from his own pulpit; at the full height of hisvoice; and tell the people what he was。 〃I; whom you behold in theseblack garments of the priesthood… I; who ascend the sacred desk; andturn my pale face heavenward; taking upon myself to hold munion; inyour behalf; with the Most High Omniscience… I; in whose daily lifeyou discern the sanctity of Enoch… I; whose footsteps; as you suppose;leave a gleam along my earthly track; whereby the pilgrims thatshall e after me may be guided to the regions of the blest… I;who have laid the hand of baptism upon your children… I; who havebreathed the parting prayer over your dying friends; to whom theAmen sounded faintly from a world which they had quitted… I; yourpastor; whom you so reverence and trust; am utterly a pollution anda lie!〃 More than once; Mr。 Dimmesdale had go