第23部分(第5/7 頁)
hey lacked wasthe gift that descended upon the chosen disciples at Pentecost; intongues of flame; symbolising; it would seem; not the power ofspeech in foreign and unknown languages; but that of addressing thewhole human brotherhood in the heart's native language。 These fathers;otherwise so apostolic; lacked Heaven's last and rarest attestation oftheir office; the Tongue of Flame。 They would have vainly sought…had they ever dreamed of seeking… to express the highest truthsthrough the humblest medium of familiar words and images。 Their voicescame down; afar and indistinctly; from the upper heights where theyhabitually dwelt。 Not improbably; it was to this latter class of men that Mr。Dimmesdale; by many of his traits of character; naturally belonged。 Tothe high mountain…peaks of faith and sanctity he would have climbed;had not the tendency been thwarted by the burden; whatever it mightbe; of crime or anguish; beneath which it was his doom to totter。 Itkept him down; on a level with the lowest; him; the man of etherealattributes; whose voice the angels might else have listened to andanswered! But this very burden it was; that gave him sympathies sointimate with the sinful brotherhood of mankind; so that his heartvibrated in unison with theirs; and received their pain into itself;and sent its own throb of pain through a thousand other hearts; ingushes of sad; persuasive eloquence。 Oftenest persuasive; butsometimes terrible! The people knew not the power that moved themthus。 They deemed the young clergyman a miracle of holiness。 Theyfancied him the mouthpiece of Heaven's messages of wisdom; and rebuke;and love。 In their eyes; the very ground on which he trod wassanctified。 The virgins of his church grew pale around him; victims ofa passion so imbued with religious sentiment