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wed; lonely; and with a heart as full of reminiscences about herdead husband and children; and her dead friends of long ago; as aburial…ground is full of storied gravestones。 Yet all this; whichwould else have been such heavy sorrow; was made almost a solemn joyto her devout old soul; by religious consolations and the truths ofScripture; wherewith she had fed herself continually for more thanthirty years。 And; since Mr。 Dimmesdale had taken her in charge; thegood grandam's chief earthly fort… which; unless it had beenlikewise a heavenly fort; could have been none at all… was tomeet her pastor; whether casually; or of set purpose; and be refreshedwith a word of warm; fragrant; heaven…breathing Gospel truth; from hisbeloved lips; into her dulled; but rapturously attentive ear。 But;on this occasion; up to the moment of putting his lips to the oldwoman's ear; Mr。 Dimmesdale; as the great enemy of souls would haveit; could recall no text of Scripture; nor aught else; except a brief;pithy; and; as it then appeared to him; unanswerable argumentagainst the immortality of the human soul。 The instilment thereof intoher mind would probably have caused this aged sister to drop downdead; at once; as by the effect of an intensely poisonous infusion。What he really did whisper; the minister could never afterwardsrecollect。 There was; perhaps; a fortunate disorder in hisutterance; which failed to impart any distinct idea to the goodwidow's prehension; or which Providence interpreted after amethod of its own。 Assuredly; as the minister looked back; he beheldan expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like theshine of the celestial city on her face; so wrinkled and ashy pale。 Again; a third instance。 After parting from the old church…member;he met the youngest sister of the