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kingdom; was adequate to account for the impulses nowmunicated to the unfortunate and startled minister。 At every stephe was incited to do some strange; wild; wicked thing or other; with asense that it would be at once involuntary and intentional; in spiteof himself; yet growing out of a profounder self than that whichopposed the impulse。 For instance; he met one of his own deacons。The good old man addressed him with the paternal affection andpatriarchal privilege; which his venerable age; his upright and holycharacter; and his station in the Church; entitled him to use; and;conjoined with this; the deep; almost worshipping respect; which theminister's professional and private claims alike demanded。 Never wasthere a more beautiful example of how the majesty of age and wisdommay port with the obeisance and respect enjoined upon it; as from alower social rank; and inferior order of endowment; towards ahigher。 Now; during a conversation of some two or three momentsbetween the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale and this excellent andhoary…bearded deacon; it was only by the most careful self…controlthat the former could refrain from uttering certain blasphemoussuggestions that rose into his mind; respecting themunion…supper。 He absolutely trembled and turned pale as ashes;lest his tongue should wag itself; in utterance of these horriblematters; and plead his own consent for so doing; without his havingfairly given it。 And; even with this terror in his heart; he couldhardly avoid laughing; to imagine how the sanctified old patriarchaldeacon would have been petrified by his minister's impiety。 Again; another incident of the same nature。 Hurrying along thestreet; the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale encountered the eldest femalemember of his church; a most pious and exemplary old dame; poor;wido