第35部分(第3/7 頁)
ceived! We have had; and may still have;worse things to tell of him; but none; we apprehend; so pitiably weak;no evidence; at once so slight and irrefragable; of a subtledisease; that had long since begun to eat into the real substance ofhis character。 No man; for any considerable period; can wear oneface to himself and another to the multitude; without finallygetting bewildered as to which may be the true。 The excitement of Mr。 Dimmesdale's feelings; as he returned from hisinterview with Hester; lent him unaccustomed physical energy; andhurried him townward at a rapid pace。 The pathway among the woodsseemed wilder; more uncouth with its rude natural obstacles and lesstrodden by the foot of man than he remembered it on his outwardjourney。 But he leaped across the plashy places; thrust himselfthrough the clinging underbrush; climbed the ascent; plunged intothe hollow; and overcame; in short; all the difficulties of the track;with an unweariable activity that astonished him。 He could not butrecall how feebly; and with what frequent pauses for breath; he hadtoiled over the same ground; only two days before。 As he drew near thetown; he took an impression of change from the series of familiarobjects that presented themselves。 It seemed not yesterday; not one;nor two; but many days; or even years ago; since he had quittedthem。 There; indeed; was each former trace of the street; as heremembered it; and all the peculiarities of the houses; with the duemultitude of gable…peaks; and a weather…cock at every point wherehis memory suggested one。 Not the less; however; came thisimportunately obtrusive sense of change。 The same was true as regardedthe acquaintances whom he met; and all the well…known shapes ofhuman life; about the little town。 They looked neither older noryounger now