第35部分(第2/7 頁)
f the clergyman's health; so inadequate tosustain the hardships of a forest life; his native gifts; his culture;and his entire development; would secure him a home only in themidst of civilisation and refinement; the higher the state; the moredelicately adapted to it the man。 In furtherance of this choice; it sohappened that a ship lay in the harbour; one of those questionablecruisers; frequent at that day; which; without being absolutelyoutlaws of the deep; yet roamed over its surface with a remarkableirresponsibility of character。 This vessel had recently arrived fromthe Spanish Main; and; within three days' time; would sail forBristol。 Hester Prynne… whose vocation; as a self…enlisted Sister ofCharity; had brought her acquainted with the captain and crew… couldtake upon herself to secure the passage of two individuals and achild; with all the secrecy which circumstances rendered more thandesirable。 The minister had inquired of Hester; with no little interest; theprecise time at which the vessel might be expected to depart。 It wouldprobably be on the fourth day from the present。 〃That is mostfortunate!〃 he had then said to himself。 Now; why the Reverend Mr。Dimmesdale considered it so very fortunate; we hesitate to reveal。Nevertheless… to hold nothing back from the reader… it was because; onthe third day from the present; he was to preach the ElectionSermon; and; as such an occasion formed an honourable epoch in thelife of a New England clergyman; he could not have chanced upon a moresuitable mode and time of terminating his professional career。 〃Atleast; they shall say of me;〃 thought this exemplary man; 〃that Ileave no public duty unperformed; nor ill performed!〃 Sad; indeed;that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister'sshould be so miserably de