第31部分(第5/7 頁)
ment of a seven years' cheat; to look into an eye that recognisesme for what I am! Had I one friend… or were it my worst enemy!… towhom; when sickened with the praises of all other men; I could dailybetake myself; and be known as the vilest of all sinners; methinksmy soul might keep itself alive thereby。 Even thus much of truth wouldsave me! But; now; it is all falsehood!… all emptiness!… all death!〃 Hester Prynne looked into his face; but hesitated to speak。 Yet;uttering his long…restrained emotions so vehemently as he did; hiswords here offered her the very point of circumstances in which tointerpose what she came to say。 She conquered her fears; and spoke。 〃Such a friend as thou hast even now wished for;〃 said she; 〃withwhom to weep over thy sin; thou has in me; the partner of it!〃 Againshe hesitated; but brought out the words with an effort; 〃Thou hastlong had such an enemy; and dwellest with him; under the same roof!〃 The minister started to his feet; gasping for breath; andclutching at his heart; as if he would have torn it out of his bosom。 〃Ha! What sayest thou!〃 cried he。 〃An enemy! And under mine ownroof! What mean you?〃 Hester Prynne was now fully sensible of the deep injury for whichshe was responsible to this unhappy man; in permitting him to liefor so many years; or; indeed; for a single moment; at the mercy ofone whose purposes could not be other than malevolent。 The verycontiguity of his enemy; beneath whatever mask the latter mightconceal himself; was enough to disturb the magic sphere of abeing so sensitive as Arthur Dimmesdale。 There had been a periodwhen Hester was less alive to this consideration; or; perhaps; inthe misanthropy of her own trouble; she left the minister to bear whatshe might picture to herself as a more tolerable doom。 But of la