第6部分(第6/7 頁)
ho is there?' cried the Doctor; putting his head out of his bedroom
〃'Little Hans; Doctor。'
〃'What do you want; little Hans?'
〃'The Miller's son has fallen from a ladder; and has hurt himself; and
the Miller wants you to e at once。'
〃'All right!' said the Doctor; and he ordered his horse; and his big
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
boots; and his lantern; and came downstairs; and rode off in the direction
of the Miller's house; little Hans trudging behind him。
〃But the storm grew worse and worse; and the rain fell in torrents; and
little Hans could not see where he was going; or keep up with the horse。
At last he lost his way; and wandered off on the moor; which was a very
dangerous place; as it was full of deep holes; and there poor little Hans
was drowned。 His body was found the next day by some goatherds;
floating in a great pool of water; and was brought back by them to the
〃Everybody went to little Hans' funeral; as he was so popular; and the
Miller was the chief mourner。
〃'As I was his best friend;' said the Miller; 'it is only fair that I should
have the best place'; so he walked at the head of the procession in a long
black cloak; and every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big pocket…
〃'Little Hans is certainly a great loss to every one;' said the Blacksmith;
when the funeral was over; and they were all seated fortably in the inn;
drinking spiced wine and eating sweet cakes。
〃'A great loss to me at any rate;' answered the Miller; 'why; I had as
good as given him my wheelbarrow; and now I really don't know what to
do with it