第6部分(第5/7 頁)
d was blowing and roaring round the house so terribly that at first
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
he thought it was merely the storm。 But a second rap came; and then a
third; louder than any of the others。
〃'It is some poor traveller;' said little Hans to himself; and he ran to the
〃There stood the Miller with a lantern in one hand and a big stick in
the other。
〃'Dear little Hans;' cried the Miller; 'I am in great trouble。 My little
boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself; and I am going for the Doctor。
But he lives so far away; and it is such a bad night; that it has just occurred
to me that it would be much better if you went instead of me。 You know
I am going to give you my wheelbarrow; and so; it is only fair that you
should do something for me in return。'
〃'Certainly;' cried little Hans; 'I take it quite as a pliment your
ing to me; and I will start off at once。 But you must lend me your
lantern; as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch。'
〃'I am very sorry;' answered the Miller; 'but it is my new lantern; and it
would be a great loss to me if anything happened to it。'
〃'Well; never mind; I will do without it;' cried little Hans; and he took
down his great fur coat; and his warm scarlet cap; and tied a muffler round
his throat; and started off。
〃What a dreadful storm it was! The night was so black that little
Hans could hardly see; and the wind was so strong that he could scarcely
stand。 However; he was very courageous; and after he had been walking
about three hours; he arrived at the Doctor's house; and knocked at the