首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第1部分

第1部分(第3/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 神印:黑夜女神今天篡位成功了嗎神只:從哥布林開始劍網三:沙雕玩家助我超神全民大航海:我把船開上了海島網遊:開局2888億個屬性點神秘復甦:此世之暗王者:富婆寵溺這個射手太猛了!沒有人比我更懂木筏求生網遊:一刀劈死神網遊:神秘玩家航海玫瑰海上求生,普通的我竟然成了強者別人玩遊戲,我修仙無職法師海島求生,從每日情報開始無限流:漂亮NPC只想完成任務戶外見聞錄全民永夜:只有我能看到彈幕提示星啟:餘生與你的宿命之旅穿越艾澤拉斯,但我是一個石匠

r furrow for the grain; and became

smooth and supple after their ploughing; and clung to their feet

with a weight that pulled like desire; lying hard and

unresponsive when the crops were to be shorn away。 The young

corn waved and was silken; and the lustre slid along the limbs

of the men who saw it。 They took the udder of the cows; the cows

yielded milk and pulse against the hands of the men; the pulse

of the blood of the teats of the cows beat into the pulse of the

hands of the men。 They mounted their horses; and held life

between the grip of their knees; they harnessed their horses at

the wagon; and; with hand on the bridle…rings; drew the heaving

of the horses after their will。

In autumn the partridges whirred up; birds in flocks blew

like spray across the fallow; rooks appeared on the grey; watery

heavens; and flew cawing into the winter。 Then the men sat by

the fire in the house where the women moved about with surety;

and the limbs and the body of the men were impregnated with the

day; cattle and earth and vegetation and the sky; the men sat by

the fire and their brains were inert; as their blood flowed

heavy with the accumulation from the living day。

The women were different。 On them too was the drowse of

blood…intimacy; calves sucking and hens running together in

droves; and young geese palpitating in the hand while the food

was pushed down their throttle。 But the women looked out from

the heated; blind intercourse of farm…life; to the spoken world

beyond。 They were aware of the lips and the mind of the world

speaking and giving utterance; they heard the sound in the



燃情歲月天龍八部(二十七 )金庸滾回你們的世界(NP)龍雲仙月[綜英美]我的好姐妹大藍鳥極限修道