首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第49部分

第49部分(第4/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔LOL,開掛的我,針對就有用?邊緣機械師奧特:命運之子波矮子的開掛人生鬼滅:繼國家的極惡之花寶可夢之命運的邂逅買下飛科,成為LPL守護神!王者榮耀戰鬥記錄冊寶可夢之暴君統治女扮男裝,被高冷千金倒追開局擊殺尹志平剛穿越就要滅世是怎麼回事末世:雙皇廢土求生提示來自50年後,叫我怎麼輸?末日遊戲:喪屍竟是自己

right to what we want。〃

Ursula was frightened; hearing these things。 Her heart sank;

she felt she had no ground under her feet。 She clung to her

grandmother。 Here was peace and security。 Here; from her

grandmother's peaceful room; the door opened on to the greater

space; the past; which was so big; that all it contained seemed

tiny; loves and births and deaths; tiny units and features

within a vast horizon。 That was a great relief; to know the tiny

importance of the individual; within the great past。



It was very burdensome to Ursula; that she was the eldest of

the family。 By the time she was eleven; she had to take to

school Gudrun and Theresa and Catherine。 The boy; William;

always called Billy; so that he should not be confused with his

father; was a lovable; rather delicate child of three; so he

stayed at home as yet。 There was another baby girl; called


The children went for a time to the little church school just

near the Marsh。 It was the only place within reach; and being so

small; Mrs。 Brangwen felt safe in sending her children there;

though the village boys did nickname Ursula 〃Urtler〃; and Gudrun

〃Good…runner〃; and Theresa 〃Tea…pot〃。

Gudrun and Ursula were co…mates。 The second child; with her

long; sleepy body and her endless chain of fancies; would have

nothing to do with realities。 She was not for them; she was for

her own fancies。 Ursula was the one for realities。 So Gudrun

left all such to her elder sister; and trusted in her

implicitly; indifferently。 Ursula had a great tenderness for her

co…mate sister。


