第3部分(第6/7 頁)
up and down each other?s backs and giggling。
Then she felt a hand on her back; too; underneath her shirt。
?Let?s take our shirts off;? Harry suggested eagerly。
?Okay;? Jenny agreed; not wanting to be a prude。 She only had three buttons left buttoned;
anyway。 The guidebooks were definitely right about Croton。 It was wild; and maybe?once she got
used to it?exactly what she needed。
?Wow;? he murmured as she folded her shirt neatly and placed it on the grass beside her。 The
look on his face was the absolute definition of the phraseto gawk 。
?Now you;? Jenny said; feeling confident in the knowledge that she was the only sober one in the
forest。 Well;almost 。
?What the hell are you kids doing back here?!? a deep voice boomed。 An athletic…looking man
with curly brown hair and a brown mustache strode down the path; barefoot; wearing faded Levi?s
and a threadbare light blue oxford shirt; unbuttoned to midchest。
April sat up and wiped her mouth; her brown eyes shining。 ?Hi; Mr。 Tortia。?
Mr。 Tortia didn?t look as angry as he?d sounded。 He almost looked like he wanted to hang
out。 ?So; what did I miss?? he demanded eagerly。 Then he noticed Jenny。 ?And who; may I ask;
are you??
Harry rubbed the spot between Jenny?s bare shoulder blades。 ?She?s a prospective。 And I think
maybe she took your share。?
Jenny crossed her hands over her chest。 Actually; his share of the E was somewhere inside her
nude…colored Bali extra…support bra with double…duty underwire and chafe…free superwide straps;
but she wasn?t about to volunteer that information。
Mr。 Tortia picked something out of his tobacco…stained teeth and flicked it angrily into the grass