第3部分(第5/7 頁)
ber;? he murmured affectionately。
Jenny had the feeling the tab of E Harry had just taken was not his first of the afternoon。 She was
about to shrug him away when she realized that she was going to have to at leastpretend she was
on Ecstasy; otherwise; it would be obvious she hadn?t taken it。 Problem was; she didn?t even
know how long it was supposed to take to start working。 ?Yay!? she squeaked。 ?Let?s play!?
They joined the circle and sat down between a chubby Japanese boy sporting Madras plaid
Bermuda shorts and a cute rocker haircut and the muscular boy in the blue bike shorts。 Everyone
was grinning so hard; it looked like their teeth hurt。 ?I?ll go first;? April volunteered。 ?But first I
think we?re going to need some of this。? She passed around a few packets of cinnamon Dentyne
?You?re a goddess;? blue bike shorts boy told her appreciatively。 He shoved three pieces of gum
into his mouth and began to chew them voraciously。 ?Mwa; mwa; mwa!?
April cracked tiny pink bubbles with her gum and then clapped her hands together。 ?Okay;
people; let?s go!? She wound her way around to the outside of the circle and began to walk
counterclockwise; tapping each person on the head as she passed。 ?Duck; duck; duck; duck; duck;
duck;goose! ? she shouted as she tapped the Japanese guy with the cool haircut on the head and
then sprinted away。 He jumped to his feet and gave chase; catching her in his arms and wrestling
her to the ground。 They lay like that for a while; panting and sort of petting each other。
Jenny noticed that none of the other kids were even watching them。 They were too focused on
their gum…chewing; or they were rubbing their hands