第31部分(第3/6 頁)
cans; the world financial crisis created new unease about the risks of the global economy。
LORI WALLACH; Global Trade Watch: People sense the instability of it。 They get indicators of it; but they sense it。 They get indicators like big meltdowns; like the financial crises in Asia。 But they also get indicators of things like; you know; the local bank which just keeps getting merged and renamed。 And like your card does work; and it doesn't work; and the name keeps changing every three weeks。 And you bine that with the real financial cataclysms like the Asian meltdown; and a lot of people in their everyday life are seeing this sort of out…of…control scenario very personally。 You know; it's out of their personal control。
LORI WALLACH,全球貿易觀察:人們感覺到它的不穩定性。他們可以得到它的提示,但是他們去感覺它。他們得到諸如大的下滑,亞洲金融危機這樣的提示。但是他們也可以得到諸如,你知道,地方銀行不斷地合併,改名等,這樣的提示。就象你的銀行卡,有時可以用,有時又不能用,名字每三個星期就改一次。你就會將這些與真正的金融災難,比如這一次的亞洲風暴聯絡起來。很多人在他們的日常生活中會把這種失去控制的事態看得很個人化。你知道,這是超乎他們得個人控制範圍的。
NARRATOR: For critics like Lori Wallach; this was an opportunity。 Together with allies in labor unions; they began to channel public anxiety into what came to be known as the anti…globalization movement。
旁白:對於LORI WALLACH這樣的批評家來說,這是一個機會。他們聯合他們在工會的同盟,開始將公眾的焦慮引入為大家所知的反全球化的運動。
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Chapter 16: The Battle Joined '5:08'
第十六章: 鬥爭加入了
Onscreen caption: Seattle; December 1999
The World Trade Organization; known as the WTO; manages the rules that govern global trade。 In late 1999; delegates from 135 nations gathered in Seattle。 They planned to launch a new round of negotiations that would expand trade even further。 Instead; Seattle was a watershed。
世界貿易組織,即WTO, 管理著指導全球貿易的規則。1999年末,來自135個國家的代表相聚在西雅圖。他們本來計