第35部分(第5/6 頁)
RICHARD CHENEY: I don't think there is any one overnight solution。 I don't know anyone who's smart enough to sit down and write a brand…new set of rules that we should all then adhere to。 I think it is a process for negotiation among solvent and independent nations; and that's probably as it should be。 And it will evolve over time。 And I do think we learn from our mistakes。 But I the idea that there's some sort of basic right way to do it out there; and there's one individual or group that have got all the answers; I'd be deeply suspicious of that notion。
RICHARD CHENEY: 我並不認為存在一個一蹴而就而就的解決方案。我不相信有哪位天才聰明到能夠坐一下來就能寫出一個所有人都願意遵守的新規則。我認為這是不同國家和解決方案之間的一個談判過程,這才是事情的正確解決方法。這個過程需要時間。我們能夠從錯誤中吸取教訓。我非常懷疑那些認為存在某些基本正確的方法或存在能回答所有問題的人或組織的想法。
NARRATOR: Months later; the American economy seemed on the road to recovery。 While threats remained; the system itself seemed more robust than many had feared。
The era of globalization looks set to continue; as does the debate over the new rules of the global game。
DANIEL YERGIN: The belief that trade increases the odds for peace and also leads to higher standards of living is something that has been part of the American political tradition。 And looking back on the Depression; looking back on the first or second world war; it became very deep seated; and it's not just a question of specific trade agreements; but it's really a broad consensus about the importance of trade to the American economy; to what it does for economic development around the world; and also as one of the foundations for a more peaceful world。
DANIEL YERGIN: 美國的政治傳統認為貿易會增加和平和提高生活水平的機會。當我們回顧大蕭條、第一次世