第33部分(第5/6 頁)
PHILIP TESHA: Because I'm here。 I was the person who brought it; and the person who sold it to me is also around here。
PHILIP TESHA:因為我就在這裡啊。我就是買下它的人,出售這片地的人也在附近。
HERNANDO DE SOTO: So what we've been discovering is that there's a real huge paper wall that stops the poor from actually being able to develop private legal enterprise。
HERNANDO DE SOTO: 因此,我們已經發現的是:存在著一個實際的、巨大的紙牆阻擋著窮人,使他們不能發展合法的私有企業。
NARRATOR: Without property rights; ordinary people in developing countries can't get a loan; a mortgage; or credit。 They are excluded from the capitalist system; and the global market simply passes them by。
HERNANDO DE SOTO: So this is a time of crisis for the cause of capitalism worldwide; because for the moment it has only meant giving the elite of developing countries additional opportunities; and not being able to get down deep; deep into where the real majority interests of people in any developing country are; which is among the poor。
HERNANDO DE SOTO:因此,此時是全球資本主義事業產生危機的時刻,因為,它只能給發展中國家的少數精英提供額外的機遇,而不能給任何發展中國家中的絕大部分人的利益服務。
Chapter 20: The Bottom End of Globalism '4:46'
第二十章: 全球主義的底端
JEFFREY SACHS: It is an incredible moral problem how to live together with this vast gap in wealth。 It's also an incredible intellectual problem。 It's what development economists such as myself spend all our time thinking about。 Why is the gap so large? What can be done to help the poorer countries narrow the gap? It's a very tough question。
JEFFREY SACHS:如何與這種財富的巨大差異共存是一個不可思議的道德問題,同時也是一個不可思議的智力問題。這也是象我這樣的發展經濟學家畢生思考的問題。為什麼貧富差距如此之大?我們能採取什麼措施幫助貧窮國家縮小這個差距?這是個非常困難的問題。
NARRATOR: Places like Merelani; in Northern Tanzania; are the bo