第33部分(第2/6 頁)
about the question of why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else。 Wele。
CHARLIE ROSE,記者,談話節目主持人:Hernando de Soto曾被成為第三世界最重要的經濟學家,他是市場經濟學和拉丁美洲貧困人口權利的領袖。在他的最新著作《資本的奧秘》裡他談到了為什麼資本主義在西方取得勝利而在世界其它地方遭到失敗的原因。歡迎。
HERNANDO DE SOTO: So the important thing about a capitalist system is that it's a system of representations。 Therefore it's a little bit like when I go to the United States。 People ask me for my identity; and I say: ";My identity is me。 I mean; look at my face。 I am Hernando de Soto。"; But the man at the ; ";Look; give me your passport。";
HERNANDO DE SOTO:關於資本主義體系有一個重要的問題:資本主義是一個代表制體系。因此,有點兒象我到美國來的時候,人們詢問我的身份,我說:“我就是我啊,我是說,看看我的臉,我是Hernando de Soto。”但是美國移民局的人說:“給我看看你的護照。”
The reason that things travel so well in the market economy of the United States; and values travel from one place to another; is because they all have passports。 And the real value is like my identity。 It's not in me; it's in my passport。 Real value to pay the hotel room is not in me; it's in the credit card。 And so what happens is that this system by representation; it requires of course that all the representations …… the credit cards; the passports; the IDs; the property titles; and the shares …… be organized by a system of law that allows people to be able to trust what they're dealing with。
NARRATOR: In September 2000; de Soto published his explanation of why capitalism hasn't worked for the poor。 He took his message directly to some of Latin America's most remote regions。
旁白:在2000年9月,de Soto發表了一篇文章,對資本主義制度在窮國不起作用的原因進行了解釋,他將他的資訊直接帶到了一