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第32部分(第1/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 兒童故事三百篇四合院:重生傻柱,我有無敵空間NBA:浪子老闆,打造紫金十冠網遊:垃圾天賦超神技從火影開始旅行山海經之災厄將至開局木筏:靠萬倍增幅征服世界觸靈偵探事務所震驚:我的室友,竟然是巔峰第一壞傢伙他只想撈錢!全民穿越:死靈法師的崛起幻界風雲錄榮總輕點騙,葉少要心疼融合世界後李蓮花的各種可能門面居然跟全能隊長是真情侶火影忍者:春野櫻的叛逆之路綜漫之亞刻奧特曼報恩?我看你是想以身相許!重生:股市大鱷李明求生:開局萬人屠但我是個好人

e could write a set of rules for the global economy that would ensure that corporations had to live up to a minimum standard。

THEA LEE:事實是,商業社團很容易接觸到國際機構以及它們本國的政府。因為我們感覺到要讓我們的政府傾聽我們的聲音太難了或因為我們的政府對我們提出的所關注的問題不予理睬,我們就上街抗議了。而且我們認為我們可以做得更好。我們認為我們可以為全球經濟制定一套規則以確保所有的公司必須要達到一個最低的標準。

NARRATOR: But inside the Seattle meeting; the unions' demands met stiff resistance from the developing world。 They wanted more trade; not less。 Poorer countries charged that America and Europe unfairly protect industries with powerful union and business support。


JAIRAM RAMESH; Senior Economic Advisor to India's Congress Party; 1991…1998: The fact is the rules of the game are tilted in favor of the economically powerful。 I understand; I respect that; and until India is economically powerful we are not going to be able to influence the rules of the game。 Let's take the textile trade。 Now all textile imports into America; for example; are governed by quotas。 Every country is allocated a certain quota。 It's not free trade。 It's managed trade。 America is free to sell textiles to us; but we are not free to sell textiles to America。

JAIRAM RAMESH,印度國大黨的高階經濟顧問,1991 – 1998:事實是遊戲的規則向有利於經濟強國的方面傾斜。我可以理解。 我認為直到印度成為一個經濟強國,否則我們無法影響遊戲規則的制定。讓我們來看一看紡織品貿易。比如,現在所有要進口到美國的紡織品都要受配額的限制。每個國家被分配一定數量的配額。

NARRATOR: Developing countries forged a negotiating bloc to make Western markets more open。


DELEGATE: This should not be a time when big countries; strong countries; the world's wealthiest countries; are setting about a process designed to enrich themselves。


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