第29部分(第1/6 頁)
MARK MOBIUS: The Central Bank kept saying no; no; no。 And they were shelling out the ; and of course any hedge fund manager looking at that would say; ";Hey; these guys are going to be in trouble; and I'm going to short the Thai baht。";
MARK MOBIUS:中央銀行一直在說不,不,不。他們出售美元以保護本國貨幣。所以,他們的外匯儲備迅速降低,而那些對沖基金經理人看到這種情況就會說:“哈, 這些人要有麻煩了,我可要對泰銖作空。
NARRATOR: The baht came under relentless market pressure。 In July 1997; the Thai government was forced to devalue。
The bubble had burst。 The Asian financial crisis was about to begin。
SIRVAT VORAVETVUTHIKUN: When the crisis hit; I realized my fate。 I could not sell a single unit when the crisis hit。
SIRVAT VORAVETVUTHIKUN:當危機來臨時,我意識到了我的命運。當危機來臨的時候,我一套房子也賣不出去了。
My condominium is called the American dream home; dream condominium。 But we are broke。 Even my clients who were multibillionaires are broke also。
NARRATOR: The economic shock reverberated throughout all levels of Thai society。
PANJIT NIYOMDET; Factory Worker; Bangkok。 Thailand: When the economy went bad; my husband's salary was cut 30 percent。 I was lucky; I kept my job; but I didn't get a raise。 To support our family; my husband had to find other work。
PANJIT NIYOMDET,工廠工人,曼谷,泰國:當經濟不好的時候,我丈夫的薪水降低了30%。我算是幸運的。我保住了我的工作,但是,我沒有得到加薪。為了養活一家,我丈夫不得不再去找其他工作。
NARRATOR: The cost of living was rising。 Everything was going up …… water; electricity; even soap。 But the salaries were staying the same; or going down。
旁白:消費水平不斷提高。所有東西都漲價 —— 水,電,甚至肥皂。而工資卻沒有漲甚至下降了。
With its economy in a virtual free fall; Thailand received an emergency rescue loan from the Intern