第19部分(第5/6 頁)
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Chapter 15: Soviet Free Fall '4:52'
第十五章: 蘇維埃的自由滑落
Onscreen title: Moscow; Soviet Union
NARRATOR: In August 1991; diehard munists staged a coup。 Boris Yeltsin became the voice of democratic resistance。 The coup collapsed。
Gorbachev survived the plot; but his prestige was destroyed; and the Soviet Union's days were numbered。
旁白:1991年8月,頑固的共產主義分子發動了一場政變,鮑里斯。葉利欽(Boris Yeltsin)成了民主抵抗力量的代言人,政變失敗了。戈爾巴喬夫躲過一劫,但聲望掃地,蘇聯的日子不長了。
DANIEL YERGIN: The end of December 1991; Mikhail Gorbachev went on Soviet television。 He told his viewers that the Soviet Union would within a few days cease to exist legally。 After seven decades; the Soviet Union was over; it was finished; fade to black。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):1991年12月底,米哈伊。戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)走上電視臺,向觀眾宣佈,幾天後,蘇聯在法律上就不存在了,在存在了70年後,蘇聯走到了盡頭,一切都結束了,成為了歷史。
NARRATOR: The president of Russia was Boris Yeltsin。 Unlike Gorbachev; Yeltsin wanted to move fast。 He chose the young reformer Yegor Gaidar as the man to turn Russia into a market economy。
旁白:俄羅斯總統是鮑里斯。葉利欽(Boris Yeltsin),與戈爾巴喬夫不同,葉利欽想更快地行動。他起用了年輕的改革家尤戈。蓋達(Yegor Gaidar),負責把俄羅斯帶向市場經濟。
DANIEL YERGIN: For Gaidar it was a shock。 There was no money in the treasury; there was no gold; there was not even enough grain to get through the winter。 It was unclear who was even in charge of the nuclear weapons。 Gaidar later said that it was like flying in an airplane and going into the cockpit and finding no one at the controls。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):蓋達深受震動,國庫裡沒有錢,也沒有黃金,甚至都沒有足夠的糧食過冬,連核武器由誰掌管都不清楚。蓋達後來說當時就像是你在坐飛機時,到駕駛艙一看卻發現沒有飛行員。
YEGOR GAIDAR: It was clear to me that the country was not functioning; the economy was not working; and that if nothing were done and if everyone feared