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第15部分(第5/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔LOL,開掛的我,針對就有用?邊緣機械師奧特:命運之子波矮子的開掛人生鬼滅:繼國家的極惡之花寶可夢之命運的邂逅買下飛科,成為LPL守護神!王者榮耀戰鬥記錄冊寶可夢之暴君統治女扮男裝,被高冷千金倒追開局擊殺尹志平剛穿越就要滅世是怎麼回事末世:雙皇廢土求生提示來自50年後,叫我怎麼輸?末日遊戲:喪屍竟是自己

f hate; and they organized demonstrations against him wherever he went; and this went on for a period of years。

阿諾德。哈勃(Arnold Harberger):弗裡德曼變成了一個被憎恨的人物,無論弗裡德曼走到哪,他們都會有組織###來抗議他,這種情況持續了好幾年的時間。

NARRATOR: The protests reached their climax when Friedman was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1976。


MILTON FRIEDMAN: At the Nobel ceremonies in Stockholm; I was subject to abuse in the sense that there were large demonstrations against me。 There was a concerted effort to tar and feather me。

米爾頓。弗裡德曼(Milton Friedman):在斯德哥爾摩的諾貝爾頒獎大會上,有一些大型的###在反對我,我受到了遭難與漫罵,有人專門致力於醜化和貶低我。

CLIVE CROOK: In the minds of many people; the reforms in Chile were tainted by the political caste of the regime that did set back the cause of liberal economics。 It made other countries more resistant to the idea of market reforms than they otherwise would have been。

克利夫。克魯克(Clive Crook):在許多人心目中,智利的改革受到了政府的一些政治團體的玷汙,這確實阻礙了自由經濟的程序,這使得其它國家更加抵制市場化改革的思想。

Chapter 8: Heresy in the USSR '8:08'

第八章: 蘇聯的異端

Onscreen title: The Kremlin; Moscow


NARRATOR: The economic reforms in Chile may have had little immediate impact on the world; but the ideas behind them were gaining momentum。 In the Soviet Union; where the aged leadership was dying off and the economy was moribund; people were starting to question the system。


DANIEL YERGIN: By the 1970s and '80s; it was being clear to the better informed that the Soviet system really wasn't working; but they couldn't really talk about it publicly。 They talked about it in their kitchens; they talked about it in small groups。 But it was not something that could be 

