第6部分(第5/6 頁)
MILTON FRIEDMAN: Nobody was very polite。 People were interested in ideas and argument and not in making sure you didn't ruffle anybody's feathers。
ARNOLD HARBERGER; Professor Emeritus; University of Chicago: If you're sitting in a seminar room and somebody up there is saying something which if imbibed by your students who are sitting in that same room is going to lead them astray; it's up to you to call that guy right now and not later; and that; I think; is sort of the spirit that prevailed in the Chicago workshop system。 There wasn't that much fighting in the lunches。 They were pretty cordial。 (laughs)
ARNOLD HARBERGER,芝加哥大學榮譽退休教授:如果你參加討論會時發現上面講話的那個人講的內容如果被參加討論會的學生接受的話會將他們引入歧途,那你就應該叫那個傢伙立刻停止,而且我想那就是芝加哥學術會議系統中普遍存在的精神。午飯時也有戰鬥,他們是很好的興奮劑。(笑)
NARRATOR: Lunches at the Quadrangle Club were famous for the intensity of intellectual discussion。 And one man came to dominate those debates。
GEORGE SHULTZ; Dean of the Chicago Graduate School of Business; 1962 … 1968: Somehow Milton managed to set the agenda of argument; and so there was a saying; ";Everybody loves to argue with Milton; particularly when he isn't there;"; because he's a good arguer。
GEORGE SHULTZ,芝加哥大學研究生商學院的院長,1962-1968年:不知為什麼,米爾頓能夠成功地設定討論議程,而且還有一句諺語:“每個人都喜歡和米爾頓爭論,尤其是當他不在的時候。”因為他是一個好很好的辯論者。
NARRATOR: Milton Friedman was being the most articulate spokesman for the so…called Chicago School of economics。
旁白:Milton Friedman正成為所謂的芝加哥學派最有表達能力的代表人物。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: The Chicago School meant a strong belief in minimal government and an emphasis on free market as a way to control the economy