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第25部分(第3/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 迷霧世界:我覺醒山海經征服諸天大一統世界艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖全民遊戲:死靈法師的我即天災LOL:奶爸型打野,他太暖了球王爸爸,請再努力一點星環遊戲看不見的刺客世界神秘學使用指南鬥羅:我都修仙了,還封號鬥羅?從聯姻開始成仙打怪獸要趕在早八之前NBA最強主教打散N個三巨頭英雄無敵之修仙mod里斯本競技出道,開啟葡萄牙王朝全民遊戲製作大師艾澤拉斯沒有巨魔鬥羅:奶媽葉夕水,打倒神王唐三天河真仙不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛

y; April 12; 2008

Today I got a break from my strict; no�ruffles schedule and watched a movie entitled “Troy”。 The film was so fascinating that it engr*ed its inspiring dialogues on my mind。 I found it hard to resist the strong desire to write down my erupting thoughts and emotions inspired by the movie。

After Achilles; the br*est and most skillful warrior and one of the kings of Greece; kills Hector (the movie’s hero and prince of Troy); Briseis; the woman Achilles deeply in love with and cousin of Hector; condemns him for his unyielding vengeance with a broken heart: “You lost your cousin; now you’ve taken mine。 When will it end?” “It never ends。” This is the cold reply from Achilles; a man born to fight; yet the endless revenge is the cruel reality。 Sometimes; humans are misled by too many things; such as greed; hatred。 Sense of revenge is the devil that manipulates humans into destroying。 Unfortunately humans all forget that tolerance is the most powerful weapon against vengeance。

“The gods envy us。 They envy us because we are mortals; because any moment may be our last。 Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed。” This is what Achilles tells Briseis when they argue over the issue of belief in gods。 Achilles philosophy is apparent: Mortal life is ephemeral; yet impermanence is exactly where the beauty lies in life。

The movie offered a new cause of the war contrary to the archaic way of interpreting the reason for the war of Troy; which claimed that the beauty Helen is the bane of peace。 In fact; there is no such a thing as beauty bane。 It was not her fault; a marriage to an old man like Menelaus was a disaster for a young beauty dreaming of romance。 She has the right to pursue freedom and happiness。 It is Agamemnon who is to be

