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第25部分(第2/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 迷霧世界:我覺醒山海經征服諸天大一統世界艾澤拉斯的黑科技網咖全民遊戲:死靈法師的我即天災LOL:奶爸型打野,他太暖了球王爸爸,請再努力一點星環遊戲看不見的刺客世界神秘學使用指南鬥羅:我都修仙了,還封號鬥羅?從聯姻開始成仙打怪獸要趕在早八之前NBA最強主教打散N個三巨頭英雄無敵之修仙mod里斯本競技出道,開啟葡萄牙王朝全民遊戲製作大師艾澤拉斯沒有巨魔鬥羅:奶媽葉夕水,打倒神王唐三天河真仙不是,她無限回血,你打她幹嘛

sus that she was responsible for distribution while I should receive emails of their drafts and make them into a final formal version; which must be handed in before Sunday evening。

Today; the result of things accords closely with my prediction。 Though they were seemingly enthusiastic to accept their task the day before yesterday on which the election was held; two text messages plaining how much trouble they had to touch the puter or how slow it was for them to input articles on puter appeared on my mobile phone。 Though such attitudes annoyed me; I only suggested them to try and think of a best way to solve the problem in a gentle manner。 Fortunately; because of my clever foresight; I still reserve a copy of my script of the meeting which can be served as a back up in case they wouldn’t do a good job。 It definitely means that I h*e to sacrifice much more time for the report since both the input work and modification h*e to be done on my own。

To my surprise; when I open my email box this evening; two drafts are already waiting for me。 It seems that they are still willing to do the task and their earlier plaint only serves as abreaction。 Glad that I only admonished them to do instead of losing temper to them; or it may did more harm than good。

I replied an encouragement letter to them and they later expressed their thankfulness which made me feel warm。

From this event; I learnt the lesson that a leader should take his or her staff member’s feeling into account; sometimes gentle words can be more effective than shouting。

I will adjust myself to being a deputy minister and try to convince other members of my ability and make them willing to obey my instructions。 I believe I can do it well。

Vengeance; greed and virtue


