第10部分(第3/7 頁)
o hope; no fear for you。
There is no word; no whisper; no cry。
There is no home; no bed for rest。
There is only your own pair of wings and the pathless sky。
Bird; O my bird; listen to me; do not close your wings。
There is no hope; no fear for you。
There is no word; no whisper; no cry。
There is no home; no bed for rest。
There is only your own pair of wings and the pathless sky。
Bird; O my bird; listen to me; do not close your wings。
The Gardener 68
None lives forever; brother; and nothing lasts for long。 Keep that in mind and rejoice。
Our life is not the one old burden; our path is not the one long journey。
園丁集 第十二章(3)
One sole poet has not to sing one aged song。
The flower fades and dies; but he who wears the flower has not to mourn for it forever。
Brother; keep that in mind and rejoice。
There must e a full pause to weave perfection into music。
Life droops toward its sunset to be drowned in the golden shadows。
Love must be called from its play to drink sorrow and be borne to the heaven of tears。
Brother; keep that in mind and rejoice。
We hasten to gather our flowers lest they are plundered by the passing winds。
It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we delayed。
Our life is eager; our desires are keen; for time tolls the bell of parting。
Brother; keep that in mind and rejoice。
There is not time for us to clasp a thing and crush it and fling it away to the dust。
The hours trip rapidly away; hiding their dreams in their skirts。
Our life is short; it yields but a few days for love。
Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly lon