第4部分(第6/7 頁)
herself to say wedding…related words over and over again in
her head to make it more real。
She got closer to his table and tried to smile。 Droplets of water beaded on the cold pitcher of
Coke。 Vanessa licked her lips。 She was pretty thirsty?maybe she could put up with Piotr for a few
minutes while she loaded her camera and set up。 If he was going to be family soon; she?d have to
learn to converse with him; right?
?What?s up?? she asked; plunking her camera down on the table and almost knocking over the
??Allo; Vanessa。You made it;? Piotr said with an awkward; crooked…toothed smile。 ?You want??
He gestured to the glass on the table。
She took a seat; resisting her desire to push him onto the sticky floor and run。 The guy could
barely speak proper English and now he was about to be her brother…in…law? ?That?d be great;?
she replied tensely。
Piotr walked to the bar to get her a glass; and Vanessa noticed that even though he was still
wearing those gross leather pants; he really wasn?t half…bad looking; with his shaggy blond hair
and tight black T…shirt。 Okay; so his crooked teeth and smoker?s cough weren?t exactly
swoon…worthy; but at least they made him sort of 。 。 。 quirky。
Vanessa looked around the room; accidentally catching the eye of a frighteningly large man in a
red T…shirt with cut…off sleeves that read GUNS DON?T KILL PEOPLE?IKILL
PEOPLE。 His biceps were enormous and covered in tattoos。 He saw her staring and gave a
toothy smile; then started heading through the pack of people toward her table。 Vanessa looked
wildly around; hoping he was headed toward someone else。 Just then Piotr swooped in and fell