第4部分(第5/7 頁)
Nate surrendered his menu to the waiter。 Chips seemed to think
his ?I don?t know what I want? was about the food。 Nate hated hard…boiled eggs; and all this talk
of thinking with his dick and balls had kind of taken away his appetite for anything but that strong;
barely drinkable scotch; anyway。
Well; drink up; honey。 It might help you grow some。
v?s tea party for two
Vanessa stepped through the doors of the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn and looked around。
The room was cavernous and densely packed with Williamsburg hipsters wearing striped shirts
and sporting asymmetrical haircuts。 Bar…height tables were sprinkled haphazardly throughout the
room like croutons on a salad; and the grating sounds of three…chord punk blasted from the
loudspeakers。 Vanessa spied Ruby?s bandmates fussing with wires and plugs on a platform in the
center of the room。 The drum kit was adorned with the word SUGARDADDY; their band?s name;
in garish red letters。 She scanned the stage for Ruby; but her sister was nowhere in sight。
As Vanessa maneuvered her way to the front of the room; protecting her camera from dirty art
boys and their Jack…and…Cokes; she spotted Piotr sitting at a table right in front of the stage; a full
pitcher of Coke sitting in front of him。 When Piotr saw her; he waved her over。 Vanessa sighed;
wishing she were more excited about filming her sister?s last gig as a single woman。 She needed it
to round out the Ruby
Retrospective she was making for her sister?s wedding present; but the reality of shooting the
shit with her futurebrother…in…law ; whom her sister would bemarrying in just five days; was kind
of unbearable。 Vanessa kept forcing