第35部分(第5/7 頁)
anything what you saw inS? s hand was a simple letter。 So the real question is;
What did it say? I?m one curious cat; and believe me; my kittens; when I find out; we?ll all be
purring with contentment。
Q:Dear GG;
My dad is a producer here in Beverly Hills; and last night he screened a rough cut ofBreakfast at
Fred?s in our screening room; and all I can say is 。 。 。 wow! I always thought thatS was just
another ditzy; genetically blessed socialite; but that girl can really act!
?Beverly Hills Brat
A:Dear BHB;
Tell me something I don?t know。 The buzz overBreakfast at Fred?s has reached the East Coast;
too?I overheard two studio execs at an Amagansett cocktail party (and; no; I?m not divulging
which one) agree thatBAF is going to be the break…out hit of the fall season?can you say
pull…outVanity Fair cover? Buzzzzzzzzz。 。 。 。
Swandering all over New York City in a pair of enormous; quilt…patterned black Chanel
sunglasses; feeding the ducks inCentral Park and going to old movies at theAngelika by herself;
looking rather lonely。 I?m sure there are more than a few boys out there who?d be happy to keep
her pany。 。 。 。 A thirty…foot boat that looks a mighty lot like theCharlotte approaching the wharf
atBattery Park; one brunette girl and one sandy…blond boy aboard。 S might have pany sooner
than she thinks。 。 。 。V atBarnes & Noble on Eighty…third and Broadway; standing nervously in the
checkout line; a book entitledLove Me; I?m Gay tucked under one arm。 A little light summer
reading? Our old friendJ at the airport in Prague waving goodbye as a wild…haired woman in a
turquoise caftan boarded a New