第35部分(第4/7 頁)
standing out by her pool that night; dipping her toes in the water and wiping her face with the back
of her hand afterB andN disappeared upstairs? Were those real tears? Seems mighty close to a
certain perfume ad if you ask me。 。 。 。 And what did she think of their early a。m。 departure on her
birthday morning?B andN may have sailed off into the sunset?literally: their sailboat was last seen
due south of Hyannis?but how long can they really stay at sea? Something tells me there?s more
drama on the sun…splashed horizon。
。 。 。 and trouble on the home front
No one?s ever accusedD of being happy; but I?ll be the first one to call him out on being pretty
darn 。 。 。 gay。 And not just the metrosexual; let?s…go…shopping at Thomas Pink kind?although his
wardrobe could do with a little spruce…up?but the kissing…other…boys…kind。 Is he ready to e out?
Or will he succumb toV ?s prickly…headed charms and go hetero once again? If not; I can always
hire him to redecorate my bedroom 。 。 。 or not。
your e…mail
Q:Dear GG;
I was atS ?s legendary pre…birthday bash in Ridgefield last month; and I could?ve sworn I saw
her sneak out toN ?s Aston Martin at; like; 6 a。m。 and shove something in the glove partment。
Okay; so I?d hadway too many Tanqueray gimlets; but it looked awfully suspicious。 Whatever she
had in her hand looked a lot like an envelope?but full of what; I wonder。 Whatever it was was
probably totally illegal; but I passed out before I could find out。 Any ideas?
?Confused and Still Hammered
A:Dear CSH;
Confused is right。 Our sweetS may have dated a rock star; but she does not party like one?at least
not lately。 I?ll bet