第20部分(第2/7 頁)
l around the world。? He tapped his shin
and it made a weird knocking sound。 ?Knock on wood; it?ll be the best thing I ever did。? Knock
on wood?
Nate?s eyes widened in surprise at Chips?s announcement?sail around the world? Damn。
Chips tossed the cigar overboard with a flourish。 ?Boy;??his voice was grave??I?m going to give
you the exact same advice I gave your father twenty…five years ago。? He paused; looking Nate
dead in the eye。 ?You need to figure out what you really want?no more of this pussyfooting
around。 Remember; you?ve got to think with your balls; not with your dick。? Here we go again。
Nate nodded; looking at the floor; starting to understand what Chips?s perverse little saying
really meant。 He was right?all this going back and forth about Serena and Blair wasn?t helping
anyone。 It was all about his dick; but there was nothing brave or manly about lying to the two
people he loved most in the world。
?Every boy has to bee a man sometime。? Chips drained his glass and placed it on the teak
plank floor。 ?Now?s your turn。? Is that Scottish…old…man…speak for ?Grow a sack??
ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
The Met party is finally here; and I?ve spent all day at Bliss in preparation for tonight?s
festivities; having every gorgeous inch of me waxed; buffed; and painted for the occasion。 It?s
time to slide my kissably smooth body into my favorite new silk Gucci dress and paint the town
pink?if I can ever g