第16部分(第4/6 頁)
her as though I had been on the point of crying out; and you had cried instead—the miraculous; unearthly feeling of plete munion。
And I don't need to tell you that I fear the war: it is like a plague; or some great monster waiting。 Alone; I feel helpless,(at best) fatalistic。 when we are together I feel that we have such virtue in us that we shall; somehow; be able to withstand it。 But being apart it's no good; no good at all。
I wish I knew something definite; whether you will be able to manage to persuade the Consulate。 I feel that you will; but until I really know; I shall be anxious still。
I don't know what to say; my Wig。 I'm not depressed; I'm not happy。 I seem to be in a sort of limbo where everything is half�and�half; quite obviously; there is only half of me here。 I was quite calm and deliberate and sober when I said; the other day; that my soul had left me to nestle with you。 It seems to be such a simple matter of fact。
I think it is a very good thing that I am working hard。 I mistrust myself when I am left alone and writing articles eases the strain。 Without it I should be rushing from deep depression to a sort of hysterical nonchalance; and that would perhaps break something。
But how glad; unutterably glad; I am that you are ing back。 The sweetest part of my life now is when I think of us sitting together in the kitchen eating; of us lying together in each others arms; with your head on my shoulder。 I dare not think。
波西·比希· 雪萊(1792—1822),英國著名浪漫主義詩人。他出身鄉村地主家庭,20歲入牛津大學,因寫反宗教的哲學論文被學校開除。後又因寫詩歌鼓動英國人民革命及支援愛爾蘭民族民主運動,被迫於1818年流亡義大利。在義大利,他仍積極支援義大利人民的民族解放鬥爭,1822年,渡海遇風暴,不幸因船沉溺死。